
Life As I Know It...

This blog is simply my filter. My life as I know it. As a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quiet Time...

   As I sit here while my babies are sleeping, enjoying some quiet time to myself, I am overwhelmed with all the amazing stuff that is going on in our lives right now. It is official... the new year is here and with that come some changes! Changes in everyday life and changes for the future. I had been very lazy during the holidays in 2011, eating like crap! So since Justin's birthday I began to diet, mainly not eat carbs and sugars and drink more fluids! The first week was really hard to stay on the strict diet itself, but very rewarding loosing 8 pounds in one week. Now I am stuck and at what most call a plateau... I lost a total of 11 pounds but I am stuck here! This is very frustrating! At least I haven't gained I guess... Anyway everyone is back to their routine, Justin and James are back in school and I started at UCO this week and will start at Rose in two weeks. This semester is going to be a bit crazy for me...I am in class pretty much every day Tuesdays are going to be extremely busy... class at 12:30 class at 4:30 and at 7:30... thankfully that is just one day a week! Justin is having to step into the role of Mommy and Daddy at night, it will be an adjustment for all but we are handling it well. We have been very blessed this semester because my grandmothers are helping us with the kids, coming over to our house and watching them while I work or go to school. This is a God send. The money we will be saving while they are helping us is unreal. Childcare is soooo expensive and I actually had a really good deal going... It has been so incredible to be able to keep the kids home, easy on Mom and easy on them. They are getting to play with their own toys, sleep in their own beds, and spend some much needed "grandma" time, which I'm sure they both love! In times like these when people such as family, step out and lend a hand I am reminded how fortunate we are as a family. I am so blessed to have so many people loving us and our children.
     On another note, I am trying to read more of God's word daily. It is amazing how every day he speaks to me through scripture, and the stories of other people. I have a lot on my heart these days and God is working me through it all. As I try to keep up with all my duties and titles in life... daughter, mommy, wife, hair stylist, scentsy consultant, student... etc. I am trying to remember that God loves me as just Heather... not how good of a hair stylist I am or how clean my house is (thank goodness ! ha!) or how good of grades I make or how I look on the outside... He loves my heart and I am so thankful for that today.

1 Peter 3:4 "Instead, make yourselves beautiful on the inside, in your hearts, with enduring quality of a gentle, peaceful spirit. This type of beauty is very precious in God's eyes."

And I think I hear someone crying... that didn't last long :)

Until next time... 

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