
Life As I Know It...

This blog is simply my filter. My life as I know it. As a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My sweet Henry

Tonight as we are getting everyone settled down after bath time,  I find myself trying to hurry the night away. Everyone eat... as I swallow my dinner whole.... Time for a bath- rush, rush, rush, the night away. I am sitting talking to a good friend and Henry is ready for bed (and should have already been in bed) his little voice starts at me, "I hold you Momma, pwease"... It is during these little sentences that I find myself trying to slow down, Reminding myself to soak him up. These past few years have gone by so fast and I want to remember every little thing- especially from my boys. The time we have with our children is so limited. I really wish I could put them all in a bubble- or just save each cute stage they go through. My how during these times I realize how incredibly blessed I am. My children are safe, they are healthy and we have love. As I put Henry to bed, he is in a phase where, we have to lay down with him at night to get him to go to sleep. Usually all I can think about, as I lay in his room waiting for him to give it up, is everything I have to do... dishes, laundry, emails, etc... I'm rushing through life. Tonight I made myself slow down a bit as he begged me "Mommy lay down pwease"!!- as I lay next to one of my babies watching him dose off. The joy I found tonight from that sleepy child is indescribable. I love him so much and I wish I would slow down more often and enjoy the simple things! It is the simple things that make life so worth living.

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