
Life As I Know It...

This blog is simply my filter. My life as I know it. As a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy!

Monday, August 22, 2011


My day began at 4:30 am. Charlie woke up crying pretty hard. When I walked across the house to his room I stopped to make him some milk, warmed it up, and when I looked at the clock I realized this was almost the exact time, one year ago, that my water broke- Many times when he wakes up crying or throwing a fit I am usually irritated and cranky, but tonight I found some kind of weird peace about the fact that he woke me up crying at the exact time that I woke up one year ago- thinking then... "here we go"... I found myself just talking to my baby as I rocked him back to sleep, telling him the story of the day he arrived...
It was an early morning, I kept getting up thinking I had to pee AGAIN.... but this time it was a bit different (I won't go into graphic detail), I remember waking Justin up (and feeling so bad because I knew if it was a false alarm he'd have to go lead worship on little sleep) on a Sunday morning and saying "Baby, I think my water broke...??" He of course rushed up out of bed and was in some what of a hurry... I called my grandparents and they came over to the house to sit with James and Henry while we went to the hospital to meet Ashlea (she was going to be my ride home, had it been a false alarm, this way Justin could get to church and lead worship that morning) We got to the hospital and they confirmed- it was time... I had to have a c-section this time because of some minor complications- My nurse went off to call my doctor and twenty minutes later I met my 8 pound 4 ounce beautiful baby boy- Charlie Everett Mann. He was so pretty, dark skin, a head FULL of black curly hair. I had a wonderful doctor she came in, although she was not on call that morning, to do my procedure. I love Doctor E. Sparks!!

 God truly does still work miracles, everyday a child is born is no more than that... a modern day miracle from the Lord. There are times in life that we doubt our faith and we wonder and question different things, but the times that I was pregnant and soon after having a baby, I do not think I have ever felt closer to God. It is so incredible that we (HE) can create life from our life. I don't think I have ever prayed more in my life than during the times that I was expecting a child... (I'm sure my prayers will get more intense as they grow). The experience of carrying your own child is indescribable. It isn't always fun... but none the less incredible.

Charlie was such a wonderful newborn. His cry was faint... he would wiggle and grunt and I'd get up to nurse him and then off to sleep he went. He was such an easy infant, he slept next to my bed in a bassinet for about six months and I have to say I'm a sucker for my babies. I hate moving them across the house, into their own room. Thank the Lord for modern day inventions such as the "video baby monitor"!!! As a new mom I think this is a MUST! At first I debated on whether or not to splurge and get the video monitor, but I am very glad I did. The kids rooms are on the opposite side of the house as our room, having a video I can look at puts me a ease with out getting up, walking across the house to make sure they are still breathing.. lol (you know you've done this).  Back to Charlie boy... He is such a blessing in my life. He has a passive nature, but at times can be a little firecracker! He and Henry play so well together now, it brings me much joy to see them play and laugh together and James is such a wonderful older brother and great care taker of these two! One of his favorite games to play right now is getting a pillow and let his head fall into it- this will create an outburst of 'belly' laughter- he just thinks he is so funny. I love watching him discover new things, like how to put blocks together, or hitting a balloon over and over again. He has a few words, Mamma, Dadda, Bath and I think he tries to mimic Bubba and bite...  He loves bath time and as soon as I say "bath" he rushes to the bathroom with much excitement, he loves to splash and play in the running water!  He loves his sippy cup of milk, especially if you warm it up a bit, and after his party yesterday I would have to say one of his favorite foods is chocolate cake with chocolate icing! I can not believe he is one year old. I feel like last week we brought him home from the hospital (and Henry was trying to feed him animal crackers :) I am sad that this time has flown by so quickly, but excited to see how all of my boys grow up. I have always said being a Mom is the greatest most rewarding job ever, but also the hardest thing I have ever done- mentally, physically, and emotionally. Nothing can prepare you for the trials or the joys motherhood will bring. With all of this being said... I love you Charlie boy- Happy Birthday!

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