
Life As I Know It...

This blog is simply my filter. My life as I know it. As a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Last Friday before school...

Today marks the last week-day before I try to finish my college degree once again... third times a charm right? Next week I will be going to school full time, working part-time and of course being a full-time mommy/wife. I am trying to finish my early childhood education degree, I keep asking myself if I will actually teach in a classroom ever? I think it will be hard to go to work and actually have a boss... I've been so spoiled to being my own boss and working for myself as a hairstylist the past six years. So why now you ask...???? Lately I have been feeling like I haven't done anything for myself. I need some self worth, I need to be Heather again and not just someones mommy or wife. Although being those boys Mommy is the BEST job ever!!! I still need a place to be myself or feel like I have worth. Sometimes as moms I think we tend to put ourselves on the back burner... I don't want to sound selfish at all, I absolutely love being a mommy and I am very blessed to have been able to be a part-time "stay at home mom", but I really feel like I need to finish school for me. I would like to have professional options, what if I don't want to be doing hair when I'm sixty?! At least when I finish school I will have a degree in my back pocket and I will have a choice... and it is something no one can take away from me! I am scared, nervous and excited about Monday. Now on to more stories about the boys....

Henry was his usual funny self today. He decided today he would free fall sideways off the arm of the couch into the couch! I know one of these days he is going to have to be rushed to the emergency room- that boy has NO fear! He usually loves to play with Charlie and today he played with him a lot, but at one point I noticed Henry is sitting in front of the tv and Charlie is no where to be found. When I asked Henry where his brother was he said "in my room" (you should know he had closed the door to his room and therefore his one year old brother could not get out) I then proceed to tell him he can not close the door on Charlie, and his response to me is "I no want to play with Charlie Mommy... I just want to watch tv." in the sweetest way possible. I have to admit it made me laugh on the inside but at the same time I'm like REALLY??! TV??!! Oh dear. Charlie on the other hand was perfectly content in Henry's room playing by himself.
James came home today... he started third grade yesterday. It's unreal that he is already in school, much less third grade! When asking him about his day today he began to tell me that he always has liked school a little but he LOVES third grade. He was very excited about all the journals he gets to do and his new teacher. I love hearing him talk and tell stories. James' funny quote of the day "having a birthday party with no theme, is like having a huge crack in the knights shining armor!" Note to self... Always have a themed party!! Henry was very excited to see his big brother today!
Well it is past my bed time and after the last couple of nights with my babies waking up every few hours I should probably get some zzzz's!

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