
Life As I Know It...

This blog is simply my filter. My life as I know it. As a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 1 as Mrs. Mann...

     So today was just like any other usual Monday... get up, have some much needed quiet time before the kiddos get up and around, and get ready for the day ahead! Today was what I would like to call the beginning of my teaching days.... Which I did none of (teaching that is), but it was my first day of field experience. The real teacher introduced me as "Mrs. Mann", which I was not prepared for... sounded so weird to hear... Heather is what I was thinking, but of course the little ones began chit chatting with me as Mrs. Mann... I don't know, hopefully I'll get used to it one day...  I was assigned a sweet second grade classroom to observe over the next few months. As I entered the class today, I was quite the distraction... all of the sudden the quiet reading children became very inquisitive children... some quotes from today include:

"Who is she?"
"What is your 'teacher' name?"
"So your a man?" (Mrs. Mann... I'm sure that won't be the last time I hear that one)
"Are you a tutor or somthin?"
"Can I read to you?"
"I need some lotion!"

And my all time favorite... "Hey, you got any dollars?" to which I responded "daughters??" then my little friend quickly responded back with "No DOLLARS, cash money, you know?!
me: "Oh no, I do not have any of those either"
my friend: "What you don't have any?!! Well I got twelve!"

Oh children. Too cute.

I'm sure there will be much more funnies ahead. I'm looking at this like the beginning of the end of my college career. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel, it is faint but I can see it :)

Until next time...


  1. I LOVE IT! I hope the day went GREAT! So proud of you for all that you manage to accomplish! Wife, Mama, College Student, Hair Stylist, Scentsy DIRECTOR, and now Mrs. Mann!
    You're amazing! Love you!

    1. OH Rachel! You are too sweet!! Thank you very much I really appreciate it :) Love you too!
